The Bhamla Lab

Dr. Saad Bhamla

Curiosity-driven scientist

Saad studies biomechanics across species to engineer knowledge and tools that inspire curiosity.

A self-proclaimed "tinkerer," his lab is a trove of discoveries and inventions that span biology, physics and engineering. His current projects include studying the hydrodynamics of insect urine, worm blob locomotion and ultra-low-cost devices for global health. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the Economist, CNN, Wired, NPR, the Wall Street Journal and more. Saad is an associate professor of biomolecular engineering at Georgia Tech.

Saad is also a prolific inventor. His most notable inventions include a 20-cent paper centrifuge, a 23-cent electroporator, and the $1 hearing aid. Saad's work is recognized by numerous awards including a Moore Inventor Fellowship, a NIH R35 Outstanding Investigator Award, NSF CAREER Award, Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, and INDEX: Design to Improve Life Award. Saad is a National Geographic Explorer and TED speaker. His dedication to making science accessible has been honored with the National Academies' Eric and Wendy Schmidt Award for Excellence in Science Communication.

In 2023, Newsweek recognized Saad as 1 of 10 Innovators disrupting healthcare. Saad is a co-founder of Piezo Therapeutics. Outside of the lab, Saad loves to go hiking with his partner and two dogs (Ollie and Bella).


 Lab mascots

Ollie & Bella


Current lab members 

Research Scientists & POstdocs

Grad students



Undergraduate students

Holden Walker, ChBE

Nithil Nagappan, ChBE

Thomas Jones, ChBE

Grace Menard, ChBE

Joseph Wiltanger, ChBE

Maria Martinez, ChBE

Akber Shaikh, BME

Thu Truong, ChBE

Charles Anderson, BME

Gaetano Difini, ChBE

Radeen Dixon, ChBE

Okeoghene Ariel Emoghene, BS

Jasmine Lee, ChBE

Kendall Larson, ChBE

Michelle Jing, ChBE

Srijan Deoraj, Phys

Emre Guller, ChBE

Kenny Ma, ChBE

DavidIsaac Marple, BIO

Anthony Senft, ChBE

Ivy Li, CE

Daeun Lee, BME

Wade David, ChBE

High school student interns

Vineet Sendilraj

Manasvi Gupta

Nafiysa Sessoms

Summer Clark

Alina Soifer

Arjun Shah

Annika Joshi

Levi Philips


Join our lab of extraordinary organisms

In our lab, we channel our curiosity, creativity and engineering skillset to understand how nature functions.

Our team is diverse in all manners of the word - from different cultures, abilities and scientific disciplines. A common theme unites us - we are passionate, caring and collaborative. From clinical evaluation of frugal devices in India to slingshot spiders in the Amazon rainforest, my main mission is to enable each student, researcher and scientist to become the best version of themselves.

If you’re interested in using a quantitative and mechanical lens to understand organisms, or using the design of hardware-based electronics for a bigger cause, please reach out to ask about opportunities in the lab.
